Focuses and Habits



  • Grades
  • SAT Prep
  • AP Exams


  • School clubs: Robotics, NHS, SACS
  • Soccer


  • Work harder and more efficiently
  • Plan better
  • Volunteer more often
  • Apply for more leadership roles

Harvard Video

Notes: It is highly important to maintain a low stress level. To do this I need to take breaks from class work and spend time to do a hobby or something that I like and that can relieve stress. Most colleges cause a lot of stress to their students.

Note of gratitude: Dear Mr. Krenz, I am eternally grateful for your math teachings. You have helped me be the great mathmatician I am today. You are and will always be the best teacher there is. Thank you!


  • Get straight A’s
  • Participate in multiple clubs
  • Connect with more people