Score 0.95/1.0

FRQ 2021

public class WordMatch {
    /** The secret string. */
    private String secret;
    /** Constructs a WordMatch object with the given secret string of lowercase letters. */
    /** Returns a score for guess, as described in part (a).
    * Precondition: 0 < guess.length() <= secret.length()
    public int scoreGuess(String guess) { 
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= secret.length() - guess.length(); i++) {
            if (secret.substring(i, i + guess.length()).equals(guess)) {
        return count * guess.length() * guess.length();
        /* to be implemented in part (a) */ 
    /** Returns the better of two guesses, as determined by scoreGuess and the rules for a
    * tie-breaker that are described in part (b).
    * Precondition: guess1 and guess2 contain all lowercase letters.
    * guess1 is not the same as guess2.
    public String findBetterGuess(String guess1, String guess2) { 
        /* to be implemented in part (b) */ 
        if (scoreGuess(guess1) > scoreGuess(guess2)) {
            return guess1;
        if (scoreGuess(guess2) > scoreGuess(guess1)) {
            return guess2;
        if (guess1.compareTo(guess2) > 0) {
            return guess1;
        return guess2;